Community Services
in alphabetical order…
Magalies Vulstasie
Catering for the visitors needs or emergencies;
petrol, service stations and convenience stores
situated around the Magaliesberg.
Magalies Vulstasie en Deli
GPS: S25˚59.36 E27˚32.34
Tel: (014) 577 1247
GPS: S25˚71.69 E27˚30.07
Tel: (014) 536 3935
Monument Toyota Constantia
Email | Website
Tel: 087 350 6404 | Fax: 011 675-0414
The Monument Toyota Constantia team work closely with each other to ensure the highest standard of customer service is achieved. The lines of communication between the departments are always open to allow the flow of information to benefit the customer. Be sure to come in today and meet our friendly, competent team and book your Toyota test drive through us today.
GPS: 26°8’38”S 27°55’23”E