In jubilant celebration of Heritage Day, we welcome fan-favourite Phillipe back to our garden for a once-off boutique event performance.
A master of French Cafe music, Phillipe will provide an engaging, soothing sonic backdrop to a Spring lunch spent in our glorious garden.
Bookings will be on a first-come first-served basis and for reasons of your own safety, food items from an a la carte 3-course meal will be pre-ordered (*not pre-paid) via our online booking platform here or at Please be sure to enter each guests full name and meal choices. (Again, this is for both your safety and COVID protocol).
Bookings available here or from

Date: Thursday 24 September 2020
Arrival Time: 12h00
Tickets: R200 per person – including welcome drink, excluding meals

With only 50 tickets available be sure to book yours soonest to avoid disappointment.

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